Ekosata Oy Ekosata Oy Ekosata Oy

EKO 100 Chain Oil
  • EKO 100 Chain Oil

EKO 100 Chain Oil

EKO 100 Chain Oil is made from vegetable oil. Thanks to the natural base oil and additives, the product is safe for the user and the environment.  EKO 100 products are based on technical vegetable oils; we do not use oils suitable for cooking. EKO 100 Chain Oil is a widely used and tested product, suitable for both summer and winter use. With forest machines in particular, that feature high chain speeds, special attention must be paid to lubrication. It is no longer enough to apply just any oil to the chain. It must be EKO 100 Chain Oil, which provides the best lubrication.


  • EKO 100 Chain Oil is non-poisonous and safe for the user.
  • The product is easily biodegradable.
  • Excellent lubrication properties in all conditions
  • Protects the flange and the blade
  • 40% lower consumption compared to mineral-based chain oils
  • Tested and widely used


Packages: EKO 100 Chain Oil is delivered in a 1l, 3l, 4l, 10l can, 208l barrel or 1,000l container.

PropertiesEKO 100 Chain OilTest
Colour Yellowish, greenish  
Density /+20°C 0,920 (+20 °C) ASTM D 4052
Viscosity index 202 ASTM D 2270
Viscosity / +40°C 60 mm²/s ASTM D 7279
Flash point +290 °C ASTM D 92
Pour point -28 °C ASTM D 5250
Easily biodegradable 82 % OECD 301F

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